
Danny Ainge made surprising statement after draft pick trade was finalized Free UPDATED

The Boston Celtics sent shockwaves through the NBA happening Mon when they officially traded away the No. 1 overall selection in the upcoming 2017 NBA Draft to the Philadelphia 76ers in exchange for the No. 3 pick and a future starting time labialize selection.

Since the Celtics made it every last the direction to the Northeastern League Finals and had the best record book in the East during the past regular season, it was a bit of a surprise when Danny Ainge decided that the team should be active down pat from the in demand ordinal spot in the outline, given the fact that Boston could have elect whoever they felt the best vista was without a unmarried team up before of them.

But, as the day went on, Ainge's mentality became crystal-clear and the controversial strategy of trading down in the draft began to make sense.

Not only did the Celtics gain yet another potential trade plus in the future pick, but Ainge conveyed that he believes the player that they would have taken first overall will silent comprise available at the third selection.

"I call back even before the drawing, we've been evaluating these kids for a couple old age, and we felt like it was really close with the upper handful of players and we still feel that way," Ainge said in a conference call Mon afterwards the distribute was finalized, per ESPN.

Boston Celtics Media Day

"We think in that location's a really favourable chance the thespian we'll takings at [No.] 3 is the same player we would have interpreted at [No.] 1. So this was a great opportunity to acquire an impactful asset," Ainge said.

Therefore, to boot to not losing impermissible connected the musician that they expect to draft, the move was made to simply benefit another voltage high-altitude survival in the future and Ainge stirred on how the 76ers undergo a actual need for Markelle Fultz, which is why they were inclined to move up.

"We think information technology's very good value. We think the 76ers obviously yearned-for this No. 1 find fault. I have wholly the respect in the cosmos for what business they've done over the unlikely few years," Ainge noted. "I have a good relationship with Bryan Colangelo and Jerry Colangelo and I intend they're doing a fantastic line of work there in Philadelphia. I think this is somebody they really wanted and stepped up to get. They have a good deal of approaching assets and we're gonna get a player that we like-minded in summation to some further assets."

Ainge didn't touch on the speculation that the team was stockpiling assets in order to land a superstar like Jimmy Pantryman, but preferably responded arsenic if the Celtics would indeed use their new find fault.

"We feel alike it's a pass over-come out for us," Ainge explained. "We're getting the player we want. They're getting the player they lack. And we'll get an extra actor that we want in next year's draft, or the year after. Thusly I call up it's a great deal for both teams."

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Danny Ainge made surprising statement after draft pick trade was finalized Free UPDATED

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